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Lenderink Technologies is a very unique company with many years of problem solving; serving its customers with product solutions to product sourcing, design and production.
Lenderink Technologies is called upon for assistance with:
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- Adhesives
- Wood Products (especially micro/translucent veneers)
- Overlays
- Fire Retardants
- Environmental Spill Control & Safety Polymers
- Unique Deco/Design Surfaces & Products
- Specialty Printing
- Acoustical Products & Applications
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Lenderink Technologies client categories include:
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- Furniture
- Partitions
- Aircraft
- Foam
- Gifts/Invites
- Plywood/Veneer
- Point of Purchase
- Medical
- Laminating
- Packaging
- Printing
- Encapsulations
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Lenderink Technologies has a long history of successfully meeting our clients’ needs. As a result, most new clients find us by referral. Lenderink Technologies staff uses a common sense approach, listening carefully and focusing on quickly finding a creative, cost effective solution to a broad range of manufacturing product and design needs.
Lenderink Technologies Grand Rapids, Michigan (area)
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- Offices
- Laboratory
- R&D
- Prototype/Design/Samples
- Extensive Materials Library
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For more information, please visit our corporate website LENDERINK.COM.